What a place! In amongst the egg heads' radio telescopes and laboratories, lies a stony, chalky hill. Someone with a sense of humour thought it would be entertaining to build a cyclocross course around it, like a helter-skelter, roller-coaster theme park kind of affair. It was so entertaining, that I didn't even notice this digger until after the race:
The chalky hill was just rideable and hard work. I wish I'd taken photos from the summit of the hill, and in particular, down a chalky side towards a fence that goes alongside a right hander on a grassy ledge. Quite spectacular. One could imagine how an overcooked descent could slam the rider into the fence at best, or send them over it, like when those crazy Tour de France riders sometimes misjudge an alpine corner. And I wish I'd taken a picture looking down THE steep muddy bank, where there were spills and thrills aplenty, but alas, I didn't get the chance.
Many punctured on this course. Some considered it not a "real" cyclocross course, but more like a mountain bike circuit. Well, it had a few hundred yards on flat concrete, quite a lot on grass, plenty of banks and off-camber sections, some of which forced a dismount. And it was hard work, windy and cold. Sounds like cyclocross to me! And cyclocross has always been cool: